Friday, August 20, 2010

How do you get rid of a swollen finger/discolored nail?

I cut my finger a while back on my mirror. It bled and then gradually started to swell up. My finger is still swollen and now the nail looks discolored. What should I do to get rid of it?How do you get rid of a swollen finger/discolored nail?
If your finger is still swollen and not getting better it is possible that it is infected. Besides the swelling and discoloration you need to check for....

1) if it is very tender and painful to the touch.

2) any puss or other discharge from the cut.

3) Heat.

4) If the area around the cut is really hard compared to mormal areas

5) if there are any read streaks that are going up your body following your dermatomes and circulatory system towrds your heart.

Those are all signs that it might be infected. Without seeing it's hard to tell. If you have several of these signs and its not getting better I suggest seeing your doctor so that you can be placed on antibiotics. If it is infected you need to get it taken care of quickly before you get into more serious trouble.

For now make sure you wash it out and clean the area well. Then cover it with a band-aid and triple antibiotic ointment like neosporin.How do you get rid of a swollen finger/discolored nail?
You get to Dr or ER and they will tell you how to treat it, and give you a RX .

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