Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How do I take care of finger with no nail?

My sons nail came off completly 100% clean. It looks kinda nasty and juicy under there and I was wondering is there anything else besides peroxide and a band aid I should be doing?How do I take care of finger with no nail?
Wash with warm water and a disinfectant soap such as Betadine; disinfect with alcohol; then apply Neosporin ointment and bandage. After a few days the nail bed will dry up to a smooth reddish surface, and you can discontinue the disinfectant and ointment. Your son will probably want to keep a bandage on it for a while though, just to protect it, because the exposed nail bed is very sensitive.How do I take care of finger with no nail?
The same thing happened with me, when i was younger. My sister jammed my finger in the door and it went purple and fell off , not suddenly but after a day or so it fell off completely. I did nothing i just was careful with it and it grew back in fine.

So i'd just make sure he keeps it clean and it should be fine.

But if your worried about it , take him to the doctors. :D

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