Friday, August 20, 2010

How do you get rid of an ingrown finger nail?

you can cut it yourself

but if the nail is seriously ingrown then you have to go to the doctor to remove your nail, it grows back in a year.

How do you get rid of an ingrown finger nail?
Which nails are most commonly affected?

The great toes are the most commonly affected sites. Other toenails may less commonly become ingrown. Fingernails may rarely become affected.

What causes infections in ingrown toenails?

Bacteria and fungi can easily infect the skin of the feet and nails. The foot's warm and moist environment is a great breeding ground for many kinds of infections including Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas, Candida, and Trichophyton. It is important to treat any secondary infections resulting from or following ingrown toenails.

What are possible complications of ingrown toenails?

Ingrown toenails may cause deeper bacterial tissue infection (cellulitis), localized infection of the nail fold (paronychia), and scarring of the nail fold and skin.

How do I treat an ingrown toenail at home?

Use warm soaks for 10 minutes two to three times a day during the flare.

Helpful soaks options include:

1. dilute white vinegar (roughly 1 part household vinegar to 4 parts water)

2. Epsom salts

3. very dilute Clorox bleach footbath (approximately 1/3 teaspoon Clorox in one medium bucket of water or one capful of Clorox in one bathtub full of water)

Elevate the foot and leg.

Gently roll back the piece of overgrown skin after soaking the affected toenail.

Gently slip a thin wisp of cotton or dental floss (tape) under the nail edge to help lift the nail off the skin.

Trim toenails straight across (not too short), and avoid curving at the edges.

Mild ingrown toenails may be treated with conservative measures like warm daily soaks, avoidance of tight or ill-fitting shoes, elevating the foot, topical antibiotics like Neosporin, and gently pushing back the piece of overgrown skin away from the nail.

More advanced ingrown toenails may be treated with oral antibiotics. Resistant or recurrent cases of ingrown toenails may require minor in-office procedures by the physician. Surgical procedures aim to remove the embedded nail away from the toe tissue. In some cases, the side 1/3 strip of nail is surgically removed using local anesthesia (numbing). Surgical procedures often require prolonged healing, local soaks, and wound care to prevent further infections during the healing phase

Minor ingrown toenails may require simply trimming back the protruding nail sliver or piece away from the nail fold. More aggressive, debilitating cases may require a minor surgical procedure called partial nail matricectomy. Surgery should be considered as last resort after conservative local treatments have failed. Nail surgery may cause permanent nail deformity, poor cosmetic appearance, and other possible complications.

Matricectomy is the process of surgically, chemically, or electrically destroying all or part of the base nail portion called the nail matrix. Complete destruction of the nail matrix results in permanent loss of that portion of the nail. Once the nail matrix is fully removed or destroyed, a new nail plate cannot ever be regenerated. This surgical procedure is commonly curative for recurrent cases of ingrown toenails. Often, only the lateral (side) 1/3 or 1/4 of the affected nail is removed in matricectomy. Much less commonly, both sides of the nail matrix are removed (bilateral matricectomy) or the entire nail matrix is removed (complete matricectomy).

Surgical treatment is usually reserved for severe or recurrent cases of ingrown toenails. Surgery is not commonly required in most instances. If you keep getting an ingrown toenail, then a minor surgical procedure may be helpful to prevent recurrences.

How can I prevent ingrown toenails from recurring?

Recurrent ingrown toenails may be preventable by wearing wider-toe shoes and avoiding trauma and repeated injury to toenails. Further measures include protecting toes during sports and avoiding curving or overcutting toenails too short at the edges

How do you get rid of an ingrown finger nail?
you have to go to a podiatrist (foot doctor) and he will partially numb you and use a knife to cut the skin away from the nail and pull the nail out.

answer mine plz!;鈥?/a>
See your doctor, do not seriously cut it, as you will ake it worse, ingrown nails must be dealt with by proffessionals.

Trust me!

take a nail clipper and then pull back the skin. Then slowly clip out the fingernail that's ingrown into your skin. It works for me!
cut it!!!
cut it out

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