Use Nail Polish Remover and a cotton ball, then around the cuticles I would recommend using a Q-tip to work it around the edges.What is the best way to get off red finger nail polish?
sounds like maybe you have stain fingernails....use nail polish remover to get what you can. use a file.. flat side( not the hard ridges to brush it off.. then a buffer.... u can get these for about a buck... its the one that looks like a rectagular block... never use filers or it will give you ridges... next time.. use a clear coat/top coat to protect the nails before putting nail color on your nails.What is the best way to get off red finger nail polish?
take a cotton ball dipped in remover, set it on top of your nail and after a few seconds, wipe the nail from the cuticle to the tip. repeat with clean cotton, until it is all gone.
nail polish remover of coz
nail polish remover
You need to use alot of nail polish remover. Take a tissue and wipe each nail repeatedly with nail polish remover. Depending on how many layers of polish you put that will determine how much polish remover you'll need to use
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