Friday, August 20, 2010

Why does people look down on black finger nail polish?

I had black nail polish on only one hand and my dad didn't like it. He called it ';worldly.'; It's not like I'm going to turn punk or goth or anything like that. I'm just a normal girl is all who just started wearing black nail polish. Anyone has an opinion??Why does people look down on black finger nail polish?
go look up the word black in the dictionary. there is such a negitive stigma attached to it, that there are always gonna be people who look down on it.

personally, i see nothing wrong with it. i realize there are people out there who wear it simply because it looks really good with some outfits. unfortunatly, you have always got the people who look only at the stereotypes of black.

parents however are always weird about kids fashion decisions. any time i come home with some new dress or pants or something, my mom always questions them because everything i wear is kinda dark and quite gothic. she has learned to deal with it better though because she knows im still a good person, doing volunteer work and what not, saying please and thank you and all that good stuff. the point im trying to make here is you know who you are, your parents should too. if you can wear the dark nail polish, but still act like the girl you always have been, then there should be nothing wrong with it.Why does people look down on black finger nail polish?
It's just the stigma attached to it.

Kinda like the swastika- it never always stood for the genocide of Jews, but that's how people will always see it [I think it means something like luck in some ancient culture.]

And I suppose a way you can show your dad otherwise is to wear cute, fashionable clothing, maybe even dresses and skirts, while wearing your black nail polish.

You could also show him that some celebrities are doing it and it's simply another fashion fad that won't last too long.

In fact, natural/nuetral colors are coming in as well as white.

And if your dad bugs you about it again, just tell him that it's just nail polish- you're a big girl, you can decide what color to paint your nails, no one's forcing him to wear black nail polish.
I know what you mean ;) I consider my style as ';classical'; and ';elegant'; (no jeans, sneakers or tracksuits ;), but I wear black nail polish and I have pierced my ears (4earrings in one ear, 10earrings in another; all of them are crystal studs, so it doesn't look punk or goth). So I think that nail polish is not bad, it depends on what you're wearing with it ;)

In my opinion, I think it rocks and looks amazing (if you're not goth or punk ;D ). Good luck :)
kind of garish
Typically, black finger nail polish is associated with goth and punk. Why, I've never seen anyone else wear it. It may not be such a great idea to continue unless of course you are considering going goth.
I dont think that there is anything wrong with black nailpolish, i think it makes you stand out. Im not goth or punk either but i wear black nailpolish i think its kool lol. I think it is like any other nailpolish color i dont think it matters. Like what color skin you have or hair color it doesnt matter, its just a color. Its like saying people with black hair are goth/punk. And anyway tons of people wear black dresses suits tuxedos shoes hair accesories makeup etc. So whats so wrong with black nailpolish. Like I said before, its just a color.
i dont look down on it, but some ppl think-when they see it- that its like, a sign that ur goth or punk or something. and i dunno, usually parents dont like that
i'd rather have pink, or a french manicure.... i don't know. i don't look DOWN on it, I just don't like it on my fingers. :-)
Black nail polish has always had a bad rep, but just recently top fashion houses like Chanel have started to introduce it, so it might become more acceptable in the future...who knows maybe your dad will be asking to borrow yours one day!
dont worry about it the next time someone say something about it just say really? well, thanks for your opinion ill take that into consideration then they'll probaly give you a funny look but just walk away what can they do they cant force you to do any thing your a free person not some doll
ok i am the same way. i just started wearing black nail polish. I am not going punk or goth, i am the farest away from tht . I just think it looks good with other outfits. My sister calims im going ';skater'; but im not. my mom doesnt understand she think im going into this dark stage. But my dad doesnt mind. I kinda like it but other ppl might see it as werid or going ';punk';,';goth';, ';emo'; or ';skater'; or anything but if u like it be different then others and wear the black polish if u like it. It ur nails, u can paint them how ever u want
My mum actually won't let me wear black nail polish. I can wear pink, red, clear, blue for all she cares, but not black.

I guess people think it looks a little tacky. I personally think that on short fingernails it looks a little tacky, but on long fingernails it's great. Perhaps people think it's too punk or goth, or maybe the colour black is just to harsh for them.

Just make sure you don't wear it all the time, and you should be right.

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