Is the reason cultural, religious or status or does it have some other meaning?Why do some Asian people have one long finger nail?
With Long nial you cannot work. Thus only rich and royal famaly are afford to have long finger nail. Status is th emial reason for Asia to have long finger nail. If you watch asia culture dance the famale dances are with long finger nail as the dance are present to royal family.Why do some Asian people have one long finger nail?
That is only common in the Vietnamese and South East Asian cultures. I have wondered the same thing. I am curious.
they perhaps play guitar or a similar instrument.
I have noticed this on quite a few older asians that I've worked with in the past and wondered the samething.
I'm Asian, and I have no clue what the heck you're talking about.
hmm it was a trend and but i am asian and i think its UGLY. lol
++ it has no other meaning...
I think it's if you grow it so that your pinky + fingernail is longer than your ring finger, then it'll be good luck.
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