Friday, August 20, 2010

Does cutting out an in-grown finger nail hurt?

I have a bad habit of picking off the ends of my nails. Now on my middle finger on the left hand I think I might have an infection/grown nail. It is tender, swollen, red, a little yellow, and white and blown up. I just wanted to know what do they do for you.Does cutting out an in-grown finger nail hurt?
If you try and cut it out yourself it does. If you go to the doctor about it, and it's bad enough that it needs to be cut out or surgically removed you will get a local anesthetic.

If sounds more like an infection than an ingrown nail (although ingrown nails can cause infections/can be infected). Picking at your nails and the skin around them opens you up to bacteria getting into your skin, especially considering that there's often things trapped under your fingernails.

You should go to your doctor to have it looked at. While you're waiting for your doctor's appointment, try soaking the finger in warm water with Epsom salts. Additional home treatment for ingrown nails can be found at cutting out an in-grown finger nail hurt?
It hurts big time!!! See your doctor it may not be that serious though...

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