That couldnt have been a nail! The cook was missing all her fingers.Should i have eaten a thing in my food that look like a finger nail?
sorry but thats hilarious
I always take a good look at evrything i eat
i also smell it
Maybe you should pay more attention to what you eat
lol. That sounds funny. I don't think you should've eaten it if it looked weird.
Hm, are you sure you didn't eat a bowl of chili at WENDY's?! =)
Just go to the restroom and wait until it all comes out.
Did you have to pay extra. I would be grateful that I got it for free.
Holy s**t no.
of course not man, ... finger nail?!?!
This question was disturbing, man the first second you find somin' that you think may be a harmful substance throw the hole plate in the garbage, these chinese peeps don't give a dam about your health (they don't even care about theirs for starters).
I wouldn't of, but if your did it's probably just protein. I remember biting off a hang nail and swallowed it by mistake, but nothing bad happened, although I did get a little queasy. It'll pass, just take it easy for a while.
Obvious answer is no...
Just don't eat there ever again,,,
You're making yourself feel sick by thinking about it. I'm sure something the size of a fingernail can't make you feel sick unless it was some kind of drug, but people don't usually drug their customers they would lose business. Don't think about it and you will feel better. But next time NO don't eat something that looks like a fingernail, that's just nasty LOL
you shiulda washed it see how it came out n if it was id be suein!
ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww hell noooooooooooooo that is sooooooooooo nasty.................. you should have spoke to the manager and showed him what it looked like you could have gotten a free meal
no and u can sue them for that
It was probably a piece of bone if your dish had chicken in it...yuck...that has happened to me before..or you get like a piece of a tendon, or some other nasty thing in your food...gross.....
no u shouldnt have ate it
you are to blame. why did you go to a chinese food place in the first place. it could be anything from the cook's finger nail to the slaughtered animal's toe nail.
you must take something to clean your bowels .
Couldnt have. Its federally illegal not to where plastic gloves when preparing food in a resturuant. Unless the fingernail tore the plastic. as for feeling sick, your body does that if your mind thinks your sick. it should pass
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