Her parents have used everything, including a very expensive perscription. They come back or not affected at all, some procedures are very painful for her but she's embarrassed by them. I've serched for any answer to the whys, types, treatment, ect. Nothing works, need a miricle.My seven year old grand daughter has warts on her hands, one bad one under a finger nail.?
a dermatologist can remove warts in most places. With regard to the wart under the fingernail the dermatologist will say that if they remove it the nail will come off. I once had a wart under a fingernail and I use a lot of clorox as a household cleaner and in some handwashed items...and all of a sudden I noticed the wart was gone. So your granddaughter will be able to get rid of that one on her own when she's over 21 and on her own. There are over-the-counter products that work, but a dermatologist (doctor) is their best bet. They inject something to make it numb and then burn it off. Keep a band aid on it, and eventually the crust falls off and the wart is gone.
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