Friday, July 30, 2010

A sewing needle went through my finger nail?

I was sewing on my sewing machine, wasn't paying the closest attention, needle went through my left index finger right through the nail. What should I do to help it heal? Obviously the nail won't heal, but what can I do to prevent anything from getting worse?A sewing needle went through my finger nail?
Answers by others are OK, but if you have not had a tetnus booster shot within the last 10 years or are not sure, you should get one immediately. Small puncture wounds are no big deal, but tetnus can kill you.A sewing needle went through my finger nail?
well i would suggest going to a doctor.

so it wont get worse just keep the wound clean with some hydrogen peroxide, then wrap it with bandages.
All you can do is leave it alone. It'll get better on it's own. Just keep your hands clean.
oh my. i would put poroxide on it to clean it out %26amp;%26amp; then put neosporin %26amp;%26amp; a bandaid on it for now.
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